Blue Kim’s Big Brother 25 Exit Interview: ‘Girl, A Player This Good Has To Be The Target Eventually, Right?’


Blue Kim became the 11th houseguest to exit the “Big Brother 25″ house (and third to join the jury) when she was evicted by a vote of 4-0 Thursday night. The 25-year old brand strategist from New York was ousted on Day 87 over America Lopez. Head of Household Jag Bains initially kept targeting her secret, but wanted her out because she’s the best physical competitor left outside himself and his BFF Matt Klotz.

“Girl, a player this good has to be the target eventually, right?” she asked host Julie Chen Moonves during her exit interview. “If I was the target last week, I had to be the target this week.” When asked who painted the target on her back, Blue responded, “I think it had to be Jag just because he probably had an inkling that I was coming after him one way or another. So maybe Jag, maybe Matt.”


Was Blue going after Jag? “Yeah!” she exclaims. “I knew after Cory my biggest threat would be Jag, so if I were to win the double eviction today, Jag’s gone. The comp wins, his social game, he is such an incredible player. I have to commend him.” When asked if she feels betrayed by anyone she says, “Definitely Jag and Matt, but as a strong player I knew that their safety relied on me, my safety relied on them. I’m not really blindsided I guess.” Blue closed out her interview by letting everyone know she can’t wait for all the drama on finale night. “Kitty kitty purr!!!”
