Home And Away Fans Divided Over Proposal Teaser: ‘OMG I Am Crying’


Home and Away fans are busy speculating whether Eden Fowler (Stephanie Panozzo) will say yes to an unexpected proposal from boyfriend Cash Newman (Nicholas Cartwright). While some people are waiting eagerly for Eden to commit to the bit, others think her family trauma may lead her to reject Cash and his puppy dog eyes and bulging biceps.

Unlike most heterosexual men IRL, there’s something in the water in Summer Bay where the men are desperate to commit to monogamy. First, we had Tane basically pushing Felicity down the aisle and trying to impregnate her instantly, and now Cash is frightening the f*** out of Eden by dropping they should get married.

Doesn’t Eden have a few other priorities to sort first? Like getting a job?

There’s no denying Eden and Cash have been through a lifetime of drama together and have probably trauma-bonded so well by now it’d be a shame to see them split over a half-arsed proposal with no ring. From Eden surviving a kidnapping to Cash surviving being shot, and all of the other random dramas that come with living in Summer Bay, it has been a few months now since we’ve seen a Summer Bay wedding. What could possibly happen on the big day? An explosion? Another car crash? Eden gets offered a job and h as to move to the city? Cash gets kidnapped by the River Boys? Harper gives birth to Tane’s baby right as Eden and Cash exchange vows?


The storyline opportunities are endless.

Some fans are stoked to see Cash proposing…

“PLEASE SAY YES, you guys are the best couple in this show,” one fan, who probably doesn’t realise this storyline was written months ago, commented.

“Omg I am crying they have come such a long way and been through so much,” another fan commented. “Say yessss or I’ll die lol … Cash is the best,” one very dramatic fan added.

“If she’s says no, I’ll say yes!” I commented. Just kidding. (Someone else did say that though.)

Some are worried this will spell the end of Eden and Cash.

“Here we go, Home and Away for you, they going to split them up sad 😔 they’re soo good together,” one fan said.

“Idk marriage seems to mean the kiss of a end of a relationship eventually,” a pessimist commented.

“Why she always gotta be dramatic!” another fan complained, maybe forgetting that they’re tuning into one of Australia’s most dramatic shows.

And other Home and Away fans don’t think it’s a good move for the couple because they think Eden will say no.
“She will say no. All because her own parents split – blame her father. Poor Eden, lol,” one fan commented.

“So over Eden she needs to go,” one disgruntled fan remarked. “Same TBH,” actress Steph Panozzo quipped back.
