Home And Away Spoiler: Mali Calls In The River Boys


Bree checks over a badly beaten Iluka, while Mali and Elandra face an anxious wait. When she rightly guesses that he has been assaulted, she appeals to Mali to confide in Rose, but he’s resolute when he insists on having no cops. When he does get the Allens on the phone, he’s angry and challenges them to meet him face-to-face. He’s determined to settle things himself.

Elandra pleads with Mali not to attend the meeting, but there’s no changing his mind. Mali then gets on the phone to Dean, telling him that he needs a favour. Soon Mali’s being picked up by two unfamiliar River Boys, and heading into combat.

Rose confides in Kirby that Mali isn’t speaking to her at all and she knows he and Iluka are mixed up in something sinister. From his hospital bed, Iluka warns Elandra that they need to stay as far away from that family as possible. Soon, Rose receives a call from Elandra and is shocked by what she hears.

Mali is locked in hand-to-hand conduct with Gordie Allen, under the watchful eye of Dean’s River Boy mates, when Nat Allen retrieves a knife from her pocket. Before things can turn dark though, a siren wails and Rose rushes to break up the vicious fight. She is struck by witnessing Mali’s rage and is sad when she confides in Xander later – she has never seen him like this.


Mali rages at Elandra for calling the police, and she vows to stay until both of her brothers are on the right path. She admits that she doesn’t trust what they’re going to do next.

Meanwhile, Xander is mortified when Dana again confronts Bronte with her suspicions – she’s swindling Irene, and now she’s trying to double dip with the Salt fundraiser. It’s heated, and Xander takes a hard line when defending Bronte to his girlfriend.

Dana’s scanning the dodgy crowdfunder link when she spots Bronte, and challenges her again, prompting the con woman to call her co-conspirator and admit that they have a problem. How far will she go to silence Dana?
