Angela Murray Should Be The Big Brother 26 A.I. Instigator


Big Brother 26 houseguest Angela Murray has been an agent of chaos since the beginning of the season, so fans should vote for her to be the A.I. Instigator in the latest twist. Fans are currently voting for the houseguest who’ll become the A.I. Instigator. The A.I. Instigator’s job will be to instigate chaos by spreading misinformation about the houseguests using their A.I. avatars. Depending on how well the A.I. Instigator does, America can then vote on how much prize money to award them.

Throughout Big Brother 26, Angela, a 50-year-old real estate agent, mother, and grandmother originally from Long Beach, California, but currently living in Syracuse, Utah, has been in the forefront. From winning two Head of Household (HOH) competitions to having some of the most dramatic outbursts in the history of the show, she’s been the center of attention. As fans vote for the A.I. Instigator, here’s why they should give the job to Angela.

Big Brother 26 Host Julie Chen Mooves Wants To See Angela Murray As The A.I. Instigator
Julie Has Some Ideas About The Twist

In an interview with EW, Big Brother 26 host Julie Chen Moonves was asked which player would be the “ultimate A.I. Instigator.” She responded, “Quinn [Martin]. He thrives in causing chaos! But I want to see Angela get it!” Although Julie didn’t elaborate on why Angela should be the A.I. Instigator, it’s pretty clear that she must be referring to Angela’s outrageous behavior throughout the season so far.

Angela Has Already Created So Much Chaos
Angela Is So Over-The-Top That She’s A Suspected Producer Plant


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Because the job of the A.I. Instigator is to instigate chaos, it’s the ideal position for Angela. She’s already had her moments of mayhem, such as her over-the-top speech when she was HOH. Her paranoia caused her to wrongly call out her Collective alliance members as low-budget actors trying to deceive her. Angela also singled out Matt Hardeman, and called him “Crazy Eyes.” She later made fun of Lisa Weintraub’s walk and called her a twit.

These were just a few of the conflicts that Angela was involved with that were so outrageous that people began to think that she was a producer plant. While Angela’s bullying behavior is unacceptable and shouldn’t be encouraged or rewarded, it would be interesting to see her in the role of the A.I. Instigator. She already had a taste of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of an A.I. twist when Quinn activated his Deepfake HOH upgrade power and posed as her during her HOH reign.

It would be fun to see Angela in the role of the A.I. Instigator because she knows how to make good TV. She has a history with CBS, having appeared on House Calls with Dr. Phil, Let’s Make a Deal, and The Price Is Right in the past. Angela’s theatrics make her perfectly suited for a role of the A.I. Instigator.
