Ava Put Another Corinthos Kid In Danger On August 7 General Hospital


Ava’s actions put another Corinthos kid at risk.

Ava’s latest medication switch has put another one of Sonny’s kids in danger on the August 7, 2024 episode of General Hospital.

Vitamin Victim

After Carly (Laura Wright) and Jason (Steve Burton) revealed a bunch of scenes we didn’t see – like Jason taking Sonny (Maurice Benard) home after he met with Kevin (Jon Lindstrom) – Josslyn (Eden McCoy) arrived at her mom’s house and greeted her little sister. That was when Donna (Scarlett Spears) asked Joss if she wanted some vitamins.

Donna confessed to taking several of her dad’s vitamins, revealing Sonny’s bottle of lithium. After bringing her to the hospital to get her stomach pumped, Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) revealed that not only did Donna not have any traces of lithium in her system, but that the remaining pills in the bottle had no medication in them.


This newfound information comes after Kevin gave Sonny the results of a blood test, telling him he had no lithium in his system despite Sonny assuring him he’s taken his medical every day.

Secret’s Out

While Sonny reeled over learning he’s been taking placebos, Ava (Maura West), in her jail cell at the PCPD, overheard Kevin take a call about Sonny’s medication, worrying her secret may be out.

This, of course, wasn’t the first time Ava messed with someone’s medication and harmed one of Sonny’s children. The villainess famously switched out Morgan’s (Bryan Craig, who reprised the role this week only) bipolar medication and ultimately cost him his life.
