‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 24 Recap: Who Returned Into The Game Between Cameron & Jared? [UPDATING LIVE]


Shortly after last week’s double eviction of Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields from the “Big Brother 25″ house, host Julie Chen Moonves revealed that one of them would have their game “resurrected” on Thursday night. Both ex-players re-entered the house dressed in zombie costumes (but sadly, no zombie makeup) and competed in a three-part balancing competition that would give one of them the power to determine who would play in the live resurrection game. So how did it all play out on September 28, and did Cameron or Jared return to the game?

Below, read on for our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 24 recap/live blog to find out what happened on Thursday, September 28 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.

As of today, here are the 11 houseguests still in the running to win the $750,000 grand prize: America Lopez, Blue Kim, Bowie Jane, Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Felicia Cannon, Jag Bains, Jared Fields, Matt Klotz, Mecole Hayes and Cirie Fields.

8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 23rd episode, an elated Cirie read the Scary-verse transmission that explained how Jared and Cameron would be returning to the house as zombies for the chance for one of them to have his game resurrected. An epic blow-up between Cirie, Jared and Felicia took place in which they aired their grievances. Later, the two zombies competed in the three-round shovel-balancing challenge, and the winner will earn the ability to determine who plays in tonight’s live battle back competition. Let’s go!

9:05 p.m. – On Day 52, the third round of “The Resurrection Rumble” took place to determine whether Cameron or Jared would have the say of which one of them competes live tonight in the Do or Die comp. This round began with Cameron having a four ball advantage over Jared because he had 14/30 balls in his shovel after two rounds. From the sidelines, Cory did not want Jared to win because of how he sent him out during the double eviction, but it was imperative to Cirie that her son returned. Things were looking dire for Jared when one of his balls fell out of his shovel and forced him to restart while Cameron gained more ground.

9:07 p.m. – Working quickly, Jared had another slip up causing him to restart again as Cameron reached the 26/30 mark. As Cameron continued to work very slowly, Jared picked up his pace in the hopes of catching up, but he only got to 14 by the time Cameron was successfully hitting the button with all 30 balls in his shovel. It was another comp win for the challenge beast Cameron and now he would get to decide who competes in the solo comp for their chance to return.

9:15 p.m. – Following his loss, Jared needed consoling from Cirie and Felicia as his hopes of returning sank. Felicia realized that “families fight all the time” and that in order for any of them to get to the end of the game they need each other. Meanwhile, Cameron had his sights focused on how to build trust with people in the house in the event that he returns. He asked Matt and Jag for “one week of trust” in order to prove himself. Jag liked the idea because they’d band together as three competition winners who could run the house straight to the end. They all figured that if Jared is gone then they’d be able to bring Blue into the fold and have the four of them be an alliance. Blue knew that in the even that he does come back then she wouldn’t have Jared anymore and it’d be to her benefit to stick to her bond with Matt and Jag and let Cameron protect her while remaining a big target himself.


9:25 p.m. – With the game in a gray area, Cory had to think about all the possibilities in the coming week. He met with Mecole to propose a pact where he, her, America and Felicia could go for a final four deal. Mecole said in the Diary Room that she doesn’t necessarily trust Cory and America, but she does believe she can beat them in the end and so they wouldn’t be a bad pair to work with. Later in the backyard, Cory proposed the same thing to Felicia, but Matt caught Cory hiding his face behind his hands which meant that he was probably talking strategy.

9:28 p.m. – Matt, Jag and Blue discussed that everyone else in the house was starting to see that Cory and America as a pair they could pull in for two votes. They knew they’d need someone else in the house to take a shot at Cory and America in order to stop them from gaining too much power, but because of their earlier deal with them as a five-person alliance they didn’t want it to be any of them.

9:32 p.m. – For the Do or Die comp, Julie explained that the player would have to use a pulley to maneuver a ball up and into a hole on a board in three minutes or less. As he had said earlier in the week, Cameron wanted to keep fate in his own hands and play.

9:40 p.m. – With three minutes on the clock, Cameron got set with the pulley and the challenge began. In his first attempt he dropped the ball in the zombie’s armpit on the way down and had 1:51 left to try again. He kept the ball much steadier in his second attempt and managed to sink the ball in the hand of the zombie with 1:06 left on the clock. Cameron officially resurrected his game and sent Jared home once again.

9:49 p.m. – Jared told Julie that it was tough having to watch his fate in Cameron’s hands and thinks he would have been able to complete it as well. He got emotional when Julie asked how he thinks Cirie will do in the house without him, but isn’t worried that Blue will expose their secret because he thinks Blue will be trustworthy for Cirie. He said “that’s about it,” suggesting that he doesn’t think Cirie will be able to trust her former allies Mecole and Felicia.

9:56 p.m. – Back in the house, Cameron told Julie that the comp was harder than it looked and that he panicked after his first ball dropped. Julie then officially called Scary Week over and said that they’re all eligible to compete for the next HOH, including Cory.
