‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 27 Recap: Was Felicia Or Mecole Evicted On October 5?


The longest season ever of Big Brother moves to its next phase with this week’s eviction that sends home one final Houseguest before we reach the Jury stage of Big Brother 25. Seven votes and a flip flopping house is about to decide who goes home tonight on Big Brother! Will the house stick to its latest plan after a vote flip settled into place on Wednesday night?

Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 27 live recap to find out what happened on Thursday, October 5 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 25” live blog for the most recent updates.

9:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 26th episode, nominees Felicia and Mecole played their hearts out in the haunted house-themed Veto competition. Unfortunately, Felicia got turned around and exited the comp early, while Mecole lost to Cameron by mere seconds. Blue tried to convince Cameron to backdoor Cory, whom she considered a big threat, but Cameron didn’t seem to be too on board until the Veto ceremony, when Felicia publicly threw Cory under the bus. So let’s go!

9:04 p.m. – In the conclusion of the Veto Meeting on Day 62, Cameron was faced with the decision to keep his target on Felicia or change his target with a backdoor decision to take out Cory. In order to keep his word to the other “Fugitives,” Cameron kept the noms the same. Felicia said she knew that Cameron wasn’t going to put Cory up, but she put him on blast in order to show everyone that there’s a bigger target in the house than her and that they can use her to help take them out if they keep her.

9:06 p.m. – After the meeting, Cory was willing to let Felicia’s takedown slide by without making a scene, but America was not of the same mind. She insisted in front of everyone that Felicia was the one to start the talk about them having a final four deal, but Felicia insisted that she was lying and that everyone else needs to take Cory out. She also challenged America to play for herself instead of riding Cory’s coattails. Cory wanted to stay out of the argument and asked Felicia to speak privately, but Felicia refused his request.

9:08 p.m. – As a former ally of Felicia and Mecole, some might expect Cirie to run to their defense this week, but she remembers that neither of them were willing to stick their neck out to save Jared so she now had no interest in sticking her neck out for either of them. Another alliance that became newly fractured was Cory’s with Blue because he learned from Cameron just before the meeting that Blue was trying to get him to backdoor Cory. When Cory got a chance to talk about it with Matt, he voiced his concern that Matt and Jag didn’t give him a heads up about Blue’s intentions. In reality, Cory knew that he couldn’t trust Matt and Jag, but he needed them to believe that he does trust them so that they don’t feel like they need to come for him and America.


9:16 p.m. – Despite “blowing up her game,” Felicia still felt like her game wasn’t over and there was a path forward for the other houseguests to use her to their advantage. She went to Jag and offered to be a shield in the sense that she’ll make the moves he doesn’t want to make against people like Cory. He wasn’t opposed to considering it, but also felt like he couldn’t go against the will of the house on her behalf either. When Matt, Jag and Bowie considered their options, they thought they’d have an easier chance beating Felicia at comps and could let her go after Cory and America, compared to Mecole who could potentially beat them in comps. They felt that in order to keep Felicia they’d have to stay on side with Cory and America and convince them that it’s also in their best interest to take Mecole out.

9:18 p.m. – One night after Cameron went to bed, Cory spoke with America, Matt and Jag about the possibility of leaving Felicia in the house for the same reasons that Matt and Jag were already considering. As a group, they went through all of the comps that Mecole almost won, highlighting how dangerous it could be to leave her in the game. Later in the Diary Room, Cory explained that he thought it would be “very funny” to keep Felicia and they could set Cirie and Blue up to be the only ones voting Felicia out, further straining their alliance and leaving Blue completely isolated from Matt and Jag.

9:24 p.m. – Before the houseguests voted to evict, Felicia and Mecole had one last chance to speak to their peers. Felicia said she hopes her journey isn’t coming to an end and she asked them to let her continue to be a part of the game. Mecole kept it “short and sweet” by reminding them that she hasn’t sabotaged anyone in the game and that she can be trusted.

9:27 p.m. – The houseguests entered the Diary Room to cast their votes to evict: Cory for Mecole, Cirie for Mecole, Blue for Mecole…

9:32 p.m. – The voting continued: Matt for Mecole, Jag for Mecole, America for Mecole, and Bowie for Mecole. Julie informed the nominees that by an unanimous 7-0 vote Mecole was evicted. On her way out of the house, Mecole said that Cory, America and Bowie have an alliance and they’ll be coming for everyone else.

9:36 p.m. – In her interview with Julie, Mecole explained that she gave Cory and America the cold shoulder on her way out because they pretended to be her friend, but she saw right through it. She also said that she assumed the house would see her as a stronger competitor than Felicia and so she’s not surprised that they chose to evict her over Felicia. When Julie informed her that Cirie is Jared’s mom, Mecole was more shocked than anyone has been and said she had no idea.
