Big Brother 25: Jag Tries To Be Friends With America Yet Again Amid Nominations


It was a chaotic day inside the Big Brother 25 house. Jag and Blue had used their vetos and nominated America and Cory. America is still trying her best to stay in the house and get away with the elimination. She spoke to Felecia about it and thought of things she could do before the elimination.

The latest episode saw how America was pitching Felecia and talked about how she desperately wants to stay in the house. She expressed her disappointment in Jag, Matt and Blue. She told Felecia that she not only wants to be in the game but also remove Jag, Matt and Blue one by one. America even confirmed that she will no longer be friends with them.

Cory, on the other hand, also seemed unhappy about the nomination and wondered if he will be the one to leave the house this week. He confirmed that the only people she felt bad about were Cameron and Izzy. However, he revealed that he understands how they want to be in the house as much as them.


As the episode went ahead, Jag went to America to sort things out. He expressed his feelings about the situation and said that he understands why she wouldn’t want to be friends anymore but he doesn’t care about her. He further expressed that he hopes to be friends with her again. America said that she hopes about it too. However, she is still hurt.

He told her, “I know you just want to murder Matt and me but I was hoping if we can still be friends.” However, Americ stuck to her game and said that he felt bad about the betrayal, lies and drama and hence might not be able to friends with him as of now.
