Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 8: Saturday Highlights


What’s a Saturday in the Big Brother house without a Veto Comp to get us some new spoilers?? It was a weird one but the HGs did stay pretty active on the game talk with lots of discussions over where they should go next with the expectation that Zombie Cameron would soon be back into the game come Thursday night.

Cameron has been working his way around the house and trying to recover his position with most of the HGs. It seems fairly successful overall except for his weird behavior toward America and seemingly jealous attitude about her being with Cory. Cameron did manage to set up at least one new alliance though on Saturday after telling Cirie before that he plans to blow up the Matt & Jag situation from within.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Big Brother Live Feeds right now so you don’t miss anything else this season. Anything you want to watch from our Highlights report is always available using the rewind feature to pick any day, time, and camera to watch it again. Enjoy!

9:15 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.

9:20 AM BBT – Felicia and Matt discuss if anything is happening today. Felicia says it would have to be over at the other place. They discuss who Cameron might target if he gets back in. Felicia thinks she’ll go back to the Block. Matt says it could be him and Jag.

9:30 AM BBT – Bowie chatting with Cameron about the possibility of a competition today. She thinks there will be but he disagrees (he’s right).

9:35 AM BBT – Blue warns Jag that Cameron will go after him and Matt and if that happens then Cory and America will take advantage of that opportunity.

9:40 AM BBT – Blue suggests to Jag they work on building distrust between Cameron and Cory & America so they don’t align when/if he comes back.

9:50 AM BBT – Mecole mentions to America that she walked in on an argument between Cirie and Felicia. They think there’s a lot of tension there over last week but they’re both adults about it.

10:10 AM BBT – Matt and Jag talk with Cirie. They promise her she wasn’t the target and still isn’t. They’re explaining that she kept getting picked in the HOH comp so she wouldn’t have to be part of targeting Jared.

10:25 AM BBT – Matt wants to know from Cirie if she told Jared about him winning the Power. She says Jared told her that Matt had told him. Matt counters that Jared already knew and he confirmed. Cirie says she heard it from several places.

10:30 AM BBT – Jag keeps on the topic and asks Cirie again how Jared would have known if Matt only told Cirie and him (J) and he didn’t tell anyone. Jag says then Jared came to him before the eviction and told him there was a Power that could save him. Matt and Jag question how Jared knew all the exact details. Cirie insists she didn’t tell Jared because it would have exposed her. Cirie says she told no one, not even Izzy.

10:45 AM BBT – Cirie encourages Jag to discuss with Jared how he knew since there are no secrets anymore.

10:50 AM BBT – Jared talking with Cirie. Cirie asks about an alliance that was forming with him where she and Jared were replaced by Cory and America. Jag admits he heard that going on but nothing ever formed or happened with that idea.

11:05 AM BBT – Bowie and Jared chat in Storage. She promises she’s not after him. Jared says he doesn’t hold her vote against her.

11:15 AM BBT – Blue, Jag, and Matt discuss how well behaved Jared is being now compared to just a few nights ago. Blue says if they play it cool with Cirie then Cirie and Felicia will be focused on each other instead.

11:40 AM BBT – Jared asks Jag to please let him know if something is happening, even if they can’t stop it, just let him know so he isn’t blindsided again. Jared worried he looked stupid being so surprised by getting voted out.

11:55 AM BBT – Cirie and Felicia chatting about Cameron and his new and improved attitude this week. Cory is perched on the upper balcony in the backyard trying to listen in on their conversation.

12:00 PM BBT – America talks with Cameron and encourages him that he’s doing well this week and she expects he’ll be the one staying. Cameron says America will be safe with him if he stays.

12:05 PM BBT – Matt and Jag going over how Cirie wouldn’t just admit and Jag knows she told Jared. Jag might not trust Cirie, but says he’s not targeting her either.

12:20 PM BBT – Cameron tells Matt and Jag that if he (C) doesn’t win HOH then he’s going back up along with one of them then they’ll need to win Veto to stay. Cameron brings back up the idea of making a F4 with them plus Blue.

12:50 PM BBT – Cory complains to Cirie that he didn’t like when Jared said that America was untrustworthy. Cory speculates that Jared didn’t like how Cory was getting closer to America when Jared thought they had been close.

12:55 PM BBT – Jared tells Blue that no matter if he stays or go, should Blue win HOH then she has to nominate Cory and America.

1:10 PM BBT – Bowie meeting with Cirie on the Balcony. Bowie says her new plan is to stop treating this game like it’s real life.

1:50 PM BBT – Jared suggests to Blue that if Matt makes it to F2 then he’ll get sympathy votes because he’s deaf. Jared says Matt doesn’t have anything worthy on his resume.

2:00 PM BBT – Bowie asks Cory if Felicia is really the target next week because that’s what she’s heard. Cory says Felicia might be an option for Noms but probably not the target. Bowie mentions the Brown Sugar Babes alliance has been exposed.


2:25 PM BBT – Bowie is continuing her run of meetings and now talking with Mecole. Bowie says she’s just trying to get a feel for what’s going on in the game now.

2:35 PM BBT – Jag tells America he could probably work with Cameron but doesn’t trust him just yet.

3:05 PM BBT – Bowie moves on to talking with America (each HG has been coming up to the balcony for the same spot with Bowie).

4:55 PM BBT – Jared and Cirie meet up. Jared admits to Cirie that he now realizes what she used to do on Survivor was really hard.

5:30 PM BBT – Cameron talking with Matt and America, speculating as to what Scaryverse comp he’ll face on Thursday. Cameron thinks it could be a dark maze that he has to find his way out.

5:35 PM BBT – America and Cameron discuss the comp he and Jared had was the classic shovel comp. (So yes, it does sound to be just like what we’ve seen in past seasons like BB16.)

7:05 PM BBT – HGs received another collection of alcohol with two wine bottles and six beers.

7:20 PM BBT – HGs are making quick work of the wine.

8:05 PM BBT – HGs have been goofing around to pass the time. They’re doing foot races in the backyard.

8:35 PM BBT – Cirie tells Mecole that she wasn’t in all these alliances like people are saying. The only alliance she was really part of, says Cirie, was the Brown Sugar Babes or an extension of that. Cirie says she failed Mecole and Felicia by not doing better with that vote and not bringing Mecole more information.

8:45 PM BBT – Yet another alliance is formed: The Fugitives. Cameron, Matt, and Jag. Cameron is the Gunslinger, Jag the Outlaw, and Matt the Bounty Hunter.

8:55 PM BBT – Bowie talks with Felicia about all the meetings she held today so she could stop being left out of the game talk.

9:10 PM BBT – Cameron tells Bowie he thinks the two of them can go deep into the season together no matter who he aligns with openly. He promises to make good moves for the both of them. Bowie is confused as to why the HGs don’t trust her.

9:30 PM BBT – Cameron and Bowie discuss Meme’s position in the house and believe that now they know for sure she is connected with that group.

9:40 PM BBT – Jag, Blue, and America discuss how Cameron has made his targets well known so they think he’s going to be railroaded into working with their group. Blue worries that Felicia will be a bitter Juror.

9:50 PM BBT – Matt shares with Meme about his talk with Cirie. He says he promised Cirie that just because Jared goes it doesn’t mean they’re coming after her. Matt thinks Cameron’s thing will be to try and ruin everyone’s game now that he’s back.

10:45 PM BBT – Jag talking with Blue and America who think Felicia will go after Cirie if she gets HOH but Jag disagrees. America suspects Felicia is just playing nice with them to get in.

10:50 PM BBT – HGs think it’s strange how there are no regular comps this week. Cameron explains there’s no Wednesday episode (remember, he was standing on the stage when Julie explained the Scary Week schedule). Feeds cut away as if we don’t already know there’s no Wednesday episode…

11:25 PM BBT – Cameron talking to America about Cory. America says they’re more than just friends and have talked about seeing each other after this. He continues to question America for awhile about her relationship and progress with Cory.

12:10 AM BBT – Jared tells Blue he hopes there’s some way both he and Cameron get to stay. He says if he gets HOH then he’ll put up Jag and Matt together to let them fight it out.

12:30 AM BBT – Jared talking with Blue and trying to put down Cory for not getting a full week’s HOH with his DE HOH win. He says America can’t be as proud of her man (Cory).

12:50 AM BBT – Jared tells Blue that he got Cameron out as revenge for Izzy but now thinks that was the wrong move.

1:30 AM BBT – America and Cory trying to figure out the other HGs true backgrounds. America thinks Bowie was on BBAUS and not a DJ.

2:00 AM BBT – Cory says he thinks it’d be okay if Cameron won HOH. America feels the same and says she’d probably be safe even if he won twice.

2:05 AM BBT – America asks Blue how Jared is doing today. Blue thinks he’s doing a little better today and even smiled for her. America reminds Blue that even though everyone thinks it’ll be Cameron coming back he could trip up in the comp on Thursday and then Jared would return.

2:15 AM BBT – HGs are off to bed.

Tough to be sure if Cameron is just blowing smoke at Cirie or if his goal really is to disrupt Matt and Jag’s games. Cameron must see they’re strong competitors and it’d be helpful to have them on his side for now but also be positioned to catch them off guard, so his reveal to Cirie may be true.

Meanwhile, we’re waiting to see what happens next with the Thursday night Scaryverse competition that could bring Cameron or Jared back to the game. Maybe we’ll get something else in between now and Thursday, but I’m not holding out much hope on that.
