Big Brother 25: Mecole Has A Higher Chance Of Getting Evicted After Houseguests Flip The Vote


Big Brother 25’s longest season ever continues with this week’s eviction, which sends one final Houseguest home before we reach the Jury stage. Big Brother, seven votes and a flip-flopping house will determine who goes home!

Cameron’s nominations Mecole and Felicia remain on the Block following his failed attempt to refocus the HGs’ attention on a Backdoor strategy against Cory, which resulted in another flip that is set to keep his target in the game. “But first,” as the show picks up from Tuesday’s Veto meeting, we need to see how it all came together.

Cameron has had an interesting week. After battling his way back into the house, we watched him win safety but then suffer two setbacks in his aims, with Cory escaping the Block and his #1 target being passed over. On the good side, it’s been a week of instability and reshuffled alliances, which could allow his role as a top target to be buried among the chaos.

As the last flip had gone against Mecole there are strong chances of hers to get evicted. Here’s what happened when the houseguests were asked to vote out:


While Cory, Meme and Matt are trying to stay in Cameron’s good books, their vote-out strategy flips and they choose to save Felicia over Mecole. While Cory is struggling to stay in the race to be the new HOH after the elimination, Mecole’s chances of staying in the house are turning slim.

It’s no surprise that Cameron is on some houseguests’ hit list, but will anyone actually pull the gun if given the chance? Cory is fully aware that Cameron and Blue are on good terms, despite Cameron’s efforts to make Blue a target this week, and due to Matt, he now has a plan to backdoor Cameron if he wins. Matt is doing a good job of covering his bases this week to ensure that no one is looking in his direction, but how long before someone notices?
