‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: Felicia Causes Chaos Again During The Veto Meeting!


Just like it has been for 95 percent of the season, all the planning and scheming on “Big Brother 25″ was for nothing: Cameron did not use the Veto and didn’t backdoor Cory on Monday, so Felicia and Mecole remain nominated with the former likely going out the door Thursday.

Cameron did cover his bases though. Before the Veto meeting, he told Cory that Blue had been pushing for Cory to be the renom. This is only partially true. Cory asked if it was a “solo mission,” which Cam suggested it was and that Blue wanted him to do her dirty work. Cory was surprised he didn’t hear about it from Matt and Jag, whom he thinks she would’ve told, to which Cam said they weren’t fully in on the plan. Later, after promising Cam he wouldn’t tell America, Cory, obviously, told her and said he was more worried about Matt and Jag not telling him than Blue coming after him. Cam managed to give a heads-up to Jag that he had pinned it on Blue before Cory confronted him after the meeting. Jag played along to Cory, revealing that they were up all night trying to save Cory (more like he was).


Well, There was actually a good bit of drama that we can discuss at this point, mostly because of what happened immediately after and during the Veto meeting.

All the juicy stuff started when Felicia went off on Cory and then America during her speech. An argument spawned out between Felicia and America where she accused America of just riding her showmance partner’s coattails. America said afterward that she wants to tell Felicia that Felicia wouldn’t even be in the house right now if it weren’t for her and Cory flipping the vote to boot Izzy last time. Perhaps feeling regretful, Felicia asked Cam how badly did she just blow up her game and Cam replied, “What game?”

There was some chatter the rest of the day about flipping to keep Felicia instead, but that was shot down. Don’t be surprised if it comes up agains before Thursday, but Felicia may have also sealed her fate with her outburst.

For now, let’s just frame it like this: Miss Felicia is not willing to go quietly on Thursday night.
