Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Felicia Informs Jag That Matt Is Planning To Target Him Next! [Watch Video]


Felicia woke up this morning with a mission: bury Cirie’s game as deep as she could possibly bury it. The moment Big Brother woke the houseguests up, Felicia ran up to the Head of Household room to let Jag know the big bomb Cirie dropped on her last night: Matt discussed taking out Jag with Cirie. [Watch Felicia’s conversation with Jag in the video below]

Jag after Felicia left the HOH room…

Felicia also revealed what Cirie said earlier about trying to force a tie vote to ensure that Jag has to be the one to cast the final vote against Blue. Jag barely woke up and Felicia dropped a lot of information in one conversation.

Jag mainly focused on the split vote part of the conversation. He proposed that maybe Cirie was trying to set Felicia up as the only person to vote out America. Then Cirie would vote with the majority and let Felicia be the odd woman out. However, Felicia believed Cirie was doing this to help get Blue’s jury vote.

She mentioned that Cirie wanted to remain good with everyone and giving Blue a sympathy vote would help continue this pattern. Felicia also told Jag how Cirie wanted him to cast the deciding vote. This would get blood on his hands.


To combat Cirie potentially winning Blue’s jury vote, Jag told Felicia that he planned to tell Blue she was the target. He planned to do this on Wednesday. Additionally, he wanted Blue to know everyone was in on her going up and out. This way she would feel betrayed by Cirie as well.

Later, Felicia, Matt, Cirie, and Jag had a meeting about the upcoming Blue and America vote. The feeds cut from it, but it would mainly establish the votes to get out Blue and let Jag reveal that he wanted to tell Blue that she was going out.

Jag didn’t address the Matt reveal with Felicia, but he said he would get to the bottom of it. Felicia also wanted to insert herself and ask Matt about it. However, she didn’t know if she should mention it. Felicia also made sure to throw in the comment that everyone really wants Jag out. Felicia seems to want to establish herself as the only one Jag can really trust.

This may be a plan to increase the odds of him taking her to the end instead of Matt or Bowie.

The Matt and Jag conversation coming up should be interesting because we’ll see how Matt will deny this claim.
