Big Brother 25 Week 12 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results (Spoilers)


The Big Brother 25 week 12 Power of Veto ceremony has occurred. Find out if the power was used to save one of the nominees from the chopping block.

The Big Brother 25 week 12 Power of Veto ceremony has occurred, and the veto winner and current Head of Household (HOH), Jag Bains, decided not to use the veto to save one of his nominees, Blue Kim or America Lopez, from the chopping block. Jag nominated America after blindsiding and backdooring her number one ally and showmance, Cory Wurtenberger, last week. However, she’s not his true target. Jag is actually trying to evict Blue again, after his plan was thwarted last week when Blue won the Power of Veto, and saved herself from the chopping block.

The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Jag chose not to get any more blood on his hands this week, and didn’t use the Power of Veto. He has his sights set on Blue, so there would be no reason for him to change the nominees. Although America tried to convince Jag to save her with the Power of Veto to ensure that she stayed in the house, he told her that he’d be leaving the nominations the same.

Will Blue Kim Definitely Be Evicted From Big Brother 25?

As of now, it seems that Blue’s days in the Big Brother 25 house are numbered. Although Cirie Fields had talked about possibly flipping the vote, it’s most likely impossible. Matt Klotz and Bowie Jane are set on evicting Blue. Even if Cirie convinced Felicia Cannon to keep Blue, it would still be a tie, which Jag would break, resulting in Blue’s eviction. However, what that move would do is force Jag to vote out Blue in the open, rather than use his fellow houseguests to do his dirty work. Either way though, it appears that Blue will be heading to the jury house on Thursday night.



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However, Blue won’t be the only one leaving the Big Brother 25 house because Thursday is a double eviction. Jag will be in a very vulnerable position considering that he’ll be ineligible to play for HOH. Jag has won the last five competitions, including the week 10 Power of Veto, the week 11 HOH and Power of Veto, and the week 12 HOH and Power of Veto competitions. He was allowed to play for two weeks in a row because, although he told everyone in the house that he was the invisible HOH in week 11, the rules stated that he could play again because Big Brother never divulged his secret.

Jag might be making a mistake by evicting Blue. Although he sees Blue as more of a threat than America, Blue was definitely more loyal to him than America. In the heat of the moment during a double eviction, it’ll be much harder for Jag to save himself if one of his allies doesn’t win HOH to keep him off of the block, or he doesn’t win the Power of Veto if he’s nominated. America has said that she’ll be targeting Jag and Matt, so evicting Blue might not be the best choice for Jag. No matter what happens, the Big Brother 25 double eviction is certain to be very exciting.
