Big Brother 25 Week 13 Power Of Veto Results (Spoilers)


The Big Brother 25 week 13 Power of Veto competition has been played. Find out who won and whether they plan to use it to save someone from eviction.

The Big Brother 25 Power of Veto competition has been played, and its winner is Jag Bains. Head of Household (HOH) Matt Klotz had nominated Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields for eviction, with the intention of targeting Felicia. With only the four of them and Bowie Jane left in the game, Matt had to decide between his two alliances: his Final 4 with Jag, Felicia, and Cirie, and his Final 3 with Jag and Bowie. Matt ultimately decided that evicting Felicia this week was best for his game.

The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Jag has won the week 13 Power of Veto competition, securing his place in the Final 4 with Matt. This is Jag’s sixth Power of Veto win and eighth win overall. He has now tied Big Brother 24’s Michael Bruner’s single-season Power of Veto win record, which Michael set last year when he broke Janelle Pierzina’s record which had stood for 16 years.

Will Jag Bains Use The Power Of Veto?

Jag won’t use the Power of Veto this week, which means that Felicia’s fate is now sealed. Although Matt has told her that she’ll be okay, he’s also told Cirie that she’s safe. As of now, Felicia is the house’s true target. Before this, Matt had assured all four of his fellow houseguests that they were safe, knowing that the Power of Veto would be the true factor that determined who’d survive Big Brother 25 week 13. Of course, with these fickle houseguests, they might change their minds, but, as of now, Felicia will be heading to the jury house next.


Matt had tossed around possibly turning on Jag this week, but decided against it because Matt can’t play in the next HOH competition, and would surely be the main target. Now that Jag has won the Power of Veto, that move is off the table. However, it’s possible that the Minutemen, Matt and Jag, could change their minds about Felicia, and decide that Bowie or Cirie is a better choice to evict this week. They’d control the vote no matter what because, even if it were a tie, Matt would break it.

For Matt to win the $750,000 grand prize, he’ll most likely have to break his promise to bring Jag to the Final 2. Jag has been a competition beast lately, and would probably win the game versus Matt. As of now, though, Matt needs Jag for another week because Jag will most likely win HOH again against Bowie and Cirie, and can keep them both safe to make it to the Final 3. Then it’ll be up to them if they’d rather compete against Bowie or Cirie in the final competitions. The last days of Big Brother 25 are certain to be a whirlwind as final decisions are made.
