Big Brother 25’s Cirie Calls Jag’s Winning Speech ‘Arrogant’


Emotions were high at the end of the Big Brother 25 season. Houseguests spent 100 days competing in competitions, living together, and voting to evict each other. In the end, Jag Bains changed how he interacted with other houseguests the closer he got to the prize money. He refused to talk to Felicia Cannon and planned to mess with her to lower her chances of winning the next competition and more. He, Matt Klotz, and Bowie Jane didn’t follow through on that plan.

But Jag did win the power to choose who he wanted to sit next to in the final two chairs. He chose Matt over Bowie Jane. Then he had a strong final speech practically demanding the jury to vote for him. Cirie Fields and Felicia voted for Matt. But Jag won over the rest of the jury. Cirie gives her honest reaction to Jag’s speech weeks after the finale.

The passionate speech took viewers and jurors by surprise. Cirie explained to Julie Chen Moonves why it rubbed her the wrong way in an Instagram Live. “I was Jag’s advocate ’cause I do feel like Jag played a great game,” she said. “However, the last two weeks in the house, Jag’s arrogance and in that speech. The speech was just the cherry on top. The last two weeks in the house I saw a change in Jag’s behavior.”

“It’s almost like Jag had already resounded to the fact that he won the game, and he was able to show his true arrogant side,” the Survivor legend continued. “I guess is the way I wanna put it. And then when he made that speech that just pushed me over the edge. And I’m like, see that’s the arrogance that I was telling you guys that I started to see in Jag and I did not like that. Yes, you could have played a great game. But some of the things that you did while you were in your arrogant mode, including that speech. You can’t have my vote. And plus I love Matty.”


Matt made the surprising move to not take ownership of his Big Brother moves in front of the jury. He was a half of “The Minutemen” alliance with Jag and claimed they were equal partners. Jag went the opposite route and claimed his final position was because he “willed it to be that way.” The gas truck company owner said he signed the jurors’ eviction notice. He made it clear that he convinced Bowie Jane to put Cameron Hardin on the block. Jag also claimed he “single-handedly” sent Cory Wurtenberger, Blue Kim, America Lopez, Cirie, Felicia, and Bowie Jane out the door. “My hands are covered in your blood,” he told them. “I am the most dominant, masterful, and strategic player in this house. I don’t only deserve to win. have earned this victory.”

The speech honestly started with Cirie looking confused. Cameron nodded in approval at the mention of his eviction. Then the cast laughed while Jag boasted about his game. However, they voted for him to win, making him the first Sikh houseguest and winner of Big Brother.
