‘Big Brother 26’s Kimo Predicts Tucker Will Return To The House If Evicted


Big Brother is mostly determined by the houseguests playing the game. Each week they compete in a competition to be safe and possibly have the power to nominate other houseguests. They then vote to evict one person. But that doesn’t mean producers don’t affect the game. People who are good television and liked by the public have a habit of finding their way back into the game.

We saw Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields get another shot aat returning to the game with Big Brother 25’s zombie twist. Cody Nickson of Big Brother 19 returned through a Battle Back Competition. They had a lot of screen time in their seasons and Cameron and Cody each won America’s Favorite Player. The alums then moved on to other CBS shows like Big Brother: Reindeer Games and The Amazing Race. Kimo Apaka revealed his prediction on live streams of who he thinks the producers love and, therefore, might get another chance if an opportunity arose.

‘Big Brother’ Has Brought Players Back Before

There are multiple knowledgeable cast members for Season 26. This makes it easier for them to strategize and predict how the season will play out. Kimo talked to T’Kor Clottey and Brooklyn Rivera on the live feeds on August 8. Tucker Des Lauriers took himself off the block in the BB A.I. Arena. This is his second competition win, and he’s not afraid of making enemies. He declared in front of the house that his targets were Quinn Martin and Cedric Hodges. Everyone kept Quinn over Kenney Kelley, which might mean Tucker is on the outs. But if they do evict him, will it stick?


“Someone wins the veto, takes himself off, and then he goes up, and we just vote him out,” Brooklyn told T’Kor and Kimo. “Assuming they don’t change things,” Kimo said as they pointed up at the cameras. “Bring him back, which is a high possibility,” T’Kor chimed in. “Because they’ve done it before, and it’s always people America likes,” Kimo said. The feeds switched away from them.

America showed who they don’t like by nominating a person for the block in week 3. Quinn won the most votes, which wasn’t surprising. The episode right before fans had to vote alluded to Cedric betrayed Tucker. However, that wasn’t the truth. Cedric told Tucker to use the veto on himself instead of Angela because they didn’t have the votes.

Tucker told him he’s going with the plan to use the veto on Angela anyway, then denied the conversation happened. This wasn’t cleared up until after voting was closed. Tucker’s sympathetic edit possibly led to his target going on the block instead of another houseguest. If Tucker is evicted, we know some of the houseguests won’t be rushing to celebrate until they’re sure he’s gone for good.
