Big Brother Halloween: Alums Celebrate Holiday In Fun Costumes


It is a need of being on Big Brother to be at ease wearing costumes.

Contestants on the show are usually required to dress up for challenges, and one of the common penalties is to spend the entire week in character.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the majority of Big Brother alumni like dressing up for Halloween.

This was seen once more on Halloween in 2023, when a large number of previous players dressed in contemporary attire.

Of course, pop singer Taylor Swift and football player Travis Kelce—dubbed the “new hot couple”—went as well.

Izzy Gleicher and her partner dressed as a BB25 showmance, demonstrating that even cast members from the current season participated in the costume.

Halloween 2023 costumes from Big Brother alums

Below are a few of the many costumes that former Big Brother players shared on social media this year.

Britney Haynes (BB12 and BB14) and her family dressed up as characters from Mario Kart.


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Bài viết do Britney Godwin (@britney_haynes) chia sẻ


Cody Calafiore (BB16 and BB22) and his fiancee Cristie Laratta were the couple who went as the tight end of the Kansas City Chiefs and his pop singer girlfriend.


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Bài viết do Cody Calafiore (@codycalafiore) chia sẻ

Big Brother 23 winner Xavier Prather went as a cowboy and his horse. He even shared a video of the costume in action.

Big Brother 11 winner Jordan Lloyd and her son took a different approach, using the weekend to begin their early celebration of Christmas.


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More Halloween 2023 from Big Brother alums

Ovi Kabir (BB21) and his girlfriend Hannah Blackwell dressed as a sightseer and the Statue of Liberty.

Nicole Franzel (BB16, BB18, and BB22) shared images and videos of her kiddo dressed as Alvin and Spider-Man.
