Big Brother Host Julie Chen Moonves Reacts To Angela And Matt ‘Crazy Eyes’ Feud


The Chenbot also weighs in on how the new three nominee twist changes the game.

Each week, Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves will weigh in on the latest events inside the house. This week, she reacts to Angela’s reign as Head of Household, Matt’s reaction to Angela’s takedown, the new three nominee twist, and if Matt’s eyes are actually crazy.

I didn’t think anyone could have a more disastrous first week as HOH than Frenchie, but Angela somehow managed to blow up her own Collective alliance, calling them bad actors. What do you make of her week as HOH and feud with Matt?

JULIE CHEN MOONVES: Frenchie! Nice flashback Friday recall. I felt it was not her shining moment. I can only chalk it up to “heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Yes, I went there. I made it Shakespearean because her downfall felt tragic to me. I believe in redemption and I am rooting for Angela to show us her fun loving side once again. I pray she does.

What did you think of how Matt reacted to Angela’s takedown all the way through to his final words before voting, where he said he forgave her even if she was not asking for forgiveness?

I think he had the foresight to see she’s probably going to get out of the house and watch the show and regret how she treated him and he didn’t want her to feel bad. His speech made me think of the Bible when Jesus is asked by his disciple Peter how many times should he forgive others, and Jesus says not seven times but 70 times seven. He was basically saying always forgive… and to put it through a Big Brother lens: Do the opposite of when I tell the Houseguests “Whoever comes closest to the correct answer without going over wins!” There is no number fixed number attached to forgiveness, the correct answer is… it’s endless and always. (FYI for reference…it’s in Matthew 18:21-22)


How do you think having three nominees changes the game in terms of players not being able to fully know who is on the block until moments before they have to vote?

This makes it harder for the houseguests to predetermine who goes and who stays. We don’t like those predictable landslide votes that often happen at the beginning of the season where even “besties” vote each other out to “go along with the house” acting like scared sheep.

Finally, do Matt’s eyes look crazy to you? They look pretty normal to me.

They don’t. Never did. Not once. People often see what they want to see… or even worse, sometimes people say whatever they want to advance their own agenda regardless of truth.
