Big Brother Season 25’s Reilly Smedley Explains Why Showmance With Matt Klotz Fell Apart


Big Brother Season 25 is over, and with the conclusion of the CBS reality series comes some surprising revelations. Just a little under a week after Felicia Cannon revealed her friendship with Cirie Fields has fallen off, Reilly Smedley has another split to share. Well, that’s only if you consider their showmance a real relationship, as the former houseguest revealed she and Matt Klotz are not currently together.

Reilly told CinemaBlend months ago that she and Matt had postgame plans to run off to Hawaii, and the picture they shared after the show seemed like the relationship was trending in a positive direction. Reilly revealed that’s not the case in a since-expired Instagram Live and explained why she and Matt aren’t currently together (via @rodDiaztwine):

We are not dating right now. He needs time, we talked about it…He is doing his thing and I’m not going to interfere. You know, I’ll always be his friend but he was pretty honest and said it’s not a good time for him. He’s overwhelmed and has a lot going on. So I’m going to be there for support when he needs me. And that’s that.

There were no guarantees that Matt and Reilly would be together just because they had a showmance, but as a fan who watched Season 25’s live feeds with my Paramount+ subscription, I am surprised it was seemingly Matt who shut down the relationship. He spoke about her frequently from the time she was evicted by Week 2 Head of Household Hisam Goueli to the finale, where he left runner-up.

Matt was stoked when he received a letter from Reilly when he won the Head of Household in Week 13, so one has to wonder what happened. Is it possible that the spark he felt in the house faded after he was able to freely travel around the outside world? It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened, as reality can ironically set in once contestants leave a reality show.


We know that Matt and Reilly hung out with Cirie Fields on the set of The Bold and the Beautiful, but who knows what was going on other than that? Matt has not included Reilly in any of his post-game Instagram photos, even though she has a picture with him on her page. There seems to be more to the story that Big Brother fans don’t know, but unfortunately, the live feeds don’t continue to follow Houseguests after they leave the game.

With Reilly and Matt officially not a couple, that leaves America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger as the sole Big Brother Season 25 showmance. So far, it seems like those two are enjoying life outside of the house, but perhaps I shouldn’t jinx it by bringing it up in this story. The aftermath of Season 25 feels messy enough as is. I don’t think fans want any more postgame drama if it can be helped.

Big Brother Season 25 is over, but spinoff Big Brother: Reindeer Games is kicking off on CBS on Monday, December 11th at 8:00 p.m. ET. Tune in to see former players compete in all sorts of challenges and one cast member from Season 25 compete alongside former legends to see how they measure up.
