Big Brother’s Britney Haynes Explains Her Big Brother Reindeer Games Move Against Danielle


The “Big Brother” legend experienced her biggest high in the game but had to make a tough and complicated decision. “I hate all of them! They sent me to my death!” – Britney Haynes on Big Brother Reindeer Games. Her elimination seemed certain.

The cause of all the drama was a hamster wheel maze but with a brutal twist. The first player who attempted it would be eliminated if they took more than five minutes and thirty seconds to complete it. However, if they finished it within the given time, the next player would have one minute less to complete the maze. The time allotted for each player would decrease by one minute, with the pattern continuing until someone was eliminated.

In an interview with Ew, she explained her move against Danielle “No, no, no, definitely not. It was not always going to be Danielle. However, Danielle was on my radar as far as I did not trust that she was really working with me and the girls alliance as much as I thought she was working with that four-person alliance, I felt that they were much tighter, that they were a much more secure alliance. And as you can see, watching it back, it’s even more evident to me now than it even felt in the moment”. She said.

“I was very alone, kind of like an island, and I was constantly working to try to forge relationships and build trust with people because I knew that I needed to have some protection to get through this thing. So I was working really, really hard on my relationships with Frankie and Nicole. And then I was also working really hard trying to find an ally on th at side as well. But they seemed so tight. I felt like I was getting nowhere.


So because I had made that handshake deal with Josh at the table, and even though Taylor had volunteered to go in, I saw myself saving both of them as an opportunity to build a relationship with them. I could build some trust with Taylor. I thought that she would see it more as, “I really want to work with you. I don’t want you to leave. I want you here. I want to work with you. I want to do this girl’s thing. I want to do this, so I don’t even want to risk putting you in.” she added.

“I was seeing that as an opportunity to build that with her. And then similarly with Josh, who I thought, if he survives this and I shook his hand and then he comes back, that’s going to be very bad for me. But if I honor the deal that we made, then at least tomorrow, if he comes into power, I have the ability to say, “Look, I honored the deal that I made with you yesterday.” So I saw not choosing them as a path for me to make some inroads on that side”. Britney continued.

“And then I also saw Danielle was doing a really, really good job socially, and I think that you can see that on the show. You see that she really kind of has protections on both sides. No one is coming after her. And when it came down to it, Danielle and I were both playing a similar type game socially. We were both trying to do the same thing socially. And I saw if someone at some point could save me or Danielle, they’re going to save Danielle every single time. And so as much as I wanted to work with her — and if I could have had the opportunity to shake a snow globe, Danielle would’ve been in my final four — seeing how well she was doing socially and seeing how we were playing a similar type game, I knew she would always be a preference for safety over me. Because I had started winning competitions and she had done the work socially”. She concluded.
