Blue Bloods Recap: 5 Things To Remember Before Season 14 Part 2


There are a few things to remember about the first half of Blue Bloods’ final season as the series heads toward its conclusion. Although CBS cancelled Blue Bloods last year, the long-running drama about a multi-generational family of cops’ final season was split into two parts, with the first 10 episodes airing in the spring of 2024. Blue Bloods has eight episodes left before it leaves the airwaves permanently, though there may be a spin-off in the works.

Blue Bloods does not have very many continuing storylines. Most episodes are self-contained, although there are sometimes longer character arcs, such as Jamie’s battle with Frank over whether Jamie should become a sergeant in seasons 6 and 7 or Erin’s bid to become the next Manhattan DA in season 13. Some of Blue Bloods’ best characters have storylines that must be wrapped up before the series ends; it is important to remember where these stories left off before diving into the second half of season 14.

Joe Hill Finally Made Peace With Being A Reagan (For Now)
After A Huge Fight With Jamie, He Expressed Gratitude For Being Part Of The Family

Blue Bloods’ Joe Hill has had a contentious relationship with the Reagans since his introduction at the end of season 10, but he finally made some progress after he and Jamie were forced to ride together in season 14. Joe and Jamie’s conflict occurred because of Joe’s conflicting feelings about the Reagan side of his family. While in a bar, he insisted on being called a Hill rather than a Reagan, and he and Jamie got into a physical altercation.

Although this seemed like a ridiculous and out-of-character story for Jamie, it had a purpose, as Frank punished both cops for acting like children in a schoolyard by assigning them to patrol duty together. By the end of the episode, Joe and Jamie had a newfound respect for each other. Most importantly, Joe admitted he was grateful the Reagans were willing to accept him, despite his only link to them being the father he never knew.

It’s hard to tell how long Joe’s new attitude will last, as in the past he has sometimes embraced the Reagans, only to back away again. Additionally, Jamie gets irritated whenever he and Joe cross paths professionally because Joe refuses to listen to orders and undermines Jamie’s hard work, although there have been some occasions where they worked together successfully. However, since Blue Bloods is ending, it’s likely that Joe will continue to embrace his Reagan side moving forward so that his story can be wrapped up in an effective manner.

Joe has been confirmed to appear in Blue Bloods season 14, episode 11, which is the premiere episode of season 14B. It is unclear whether his story will be wrapped up in that episode, or if he will be back for the finale. Whether Joe is serious about embracing his Reagan side will be clear after this episode, which involves a district attorney accusing Erin of jury tampering. Joe may support Erin or call her out on what he considers to be inappropriate behavior, which could lead to a new conflict that has to be resolved before the series ends.

Danny and Baez Had Several Interactions That Blurred The Lines Between Friendship And Romance
The Two Might End Up Together Now That Danny Has Started Dating Again

Blue Bloods’ Danny doesn’t deserve a new romance after the way he treated Linda, but he and Baez took strides toward one during the first part of season 14. Danny again helped protect her when Sam Evans was released from prison and made plans to hurt her and her infant daughter, and although the two fought, Baez ultimately appreciated how dedicated Danny was to her well-being. Additionally, season 14 had the team work with Danny’s old partner, Jackie, who made it clear that she and Danny were just friends.

Danny decided to begin dating again, and though he did not ask Baez out, this sequence could have been setting the story up for their eventual romance.

While working with Jackie, Danny confronted serial killer Dr. Walker, who was a former psychiatrist, and taunted Danny by suggesting Danny had closed himself off to new love because of his fear of loss. Soon afterward, Danny decided to begin dating again, and though he did not ask Baez out, this sequence could have set the story up for their eventual romance. Instead, Danny had an off-screen date with a woman that was never mentioned again, suggesting she was not the one for him.

Danny’s reaction in a later episode when they had to work with Baez’s old partner was interesting. While Baez had no real reaction to Danny and Jackie, he seemed jealous of the time she spent with her former partner. Nevertheless, he went home alone, declining an invitation from the two to join them for drinks. This sequence of events strongly suggested that Danny has deeper feelings than he admits for Baez. Thus, it is possible their relationship will build up to a romance by the time Blue Bloods ends.


Erin Struggled With Guilt Over A Botched Case
This And Similar Storylines Could Play Into Her Season 14B Story

Erin had a tough few cases during Blue Bloods season 14. One of her most memorable involved a middle schooler who was upset that Erin had locked up her brother. When Erin and Anthony looked into the case, they learned that the teenager was arrested shortly before a change in the law which would have allowed him to avoid jail time. Erin’s attempts to make amends to the sister were all rebuffed, though she was able to get the offender out of jail.

Erin also worked on a federal case involving illegal horse racing, which put her back in contact with Voorhees, a corrupt parole officer who had been removed from his position because of his underhanded activities in the past. Voorhees had critical information about the horse racing scheme, but didn’t want to testify despite Erin pressuring him; eventually, he was shot and killed despite his choice not to take the stand. Erin felt guilty about his death, even though it technically was not her fault.

Some of the outcomes of her [Erin’s] cases during season 14a might help convince a jury that she behaved inappropriately.

Incidents like these set the stage nicely for her new storyline in Blue Bloods season 14B. The first episode of this season is supposed to involve Erin being accused of tampering with the jury to win her case, which could lead to her arrest and disbarment. Erin acts with as much integrity as she can while in her position as an assistant district attorney, so these charges are surprising; however, some of the outcomes of her cases during season 14a might help convince a jury that she behaved inappropriately.

Frank’s Clash With Mayor Chase Revealed That The Mayor Is Tired
Their Latest Argument Set The Stage For Their Next Conflict

Frank and Mayor Chase only clashed once during season 14. During the premiere episode, Mayor Chase wanted Frank to support a new policy in which he suspended the use of homeless shelters for anyone who needed them. Chase felt that was the only way to deal with the growing problem of the city being overwhelmed by an influx of undocumented migrants. Frank felt the policy was harmful and did not want to support it.

While arguing about it, Chase asked Frank if he ever thought about retiring, which could have been foreshadowing of the series’ end. While it has been confirmed that Frank will not retire at the end of Blue Bloods, this conversation could still be significant as the series wraps up. The Blue Bloods season 14B trailer suggests Frank will again clash with Chase over Chase’s declaration that crime is on the rise in the city, and their past conflict might influence his response to Frank’s refusal to publicly agree with him on this point.

Jamie Went Undercover To Bust A Sex Trafficking Ring
This Dark Storyline Could Come Back Into Play During The Final Episodes

Jamie was promoted to Field Intelligence Officer during season 13, and during the first part of season 14, he was involved in one of the darkest storylines that Blue Bloods has had: busting a sex trafficking ring run by a man named Quinn. He went undercover as an operative willing to help kidnap and traffic young girls, and helped one escape. He was in extreme danger most of the time, especially when Joe Hill helped raid the compound where the girls were being held and recognized him.

Jamie’s activities at the Field Intelligence Office could lead to him taking the next step in his career as the series wraps up.

Jamie might have more intense undercover operations as Blue Bloods draws to a close. Additionally, villains who have already been arrested occasionally reappear in new episodes. There could be some fallout still to come from Jamie’s undercover activities if Quinn is released from jail or one of his associates seeks revenge for Jamie ruining their ability to make money off of vulnerable girls. Furthermore, Jamie’s activities at the Field Intelligence Office could lead to him taking the next step in his career as the series wraps up.
