Danielle Reyes Devastated By Big Brother Reindeer Games Blindside For This Heartbreaking Reason


Big Brother Reindeer Games’ Danielle Reyes is the third eliminated contestant, and she’s now revealing why it was especially heartbreaking.

Big Brother Reindeer Games contestant Danielle Reyes was the third player to be eliminated from the competition, and her blindside was especially heartbreaking because of her friend Britney Haynes’ betrayal. During Santa’s Showdown, the Big Brother Reindeer Games contestants had to retrieve an ornament from a hamster wheel maze. The first person to compete had 5 minutes and 30 seconds. If they were successful, they’d select the next person to play, with one less minute on the clock. When Britney found out that Xavier Prather picked her to protect Big Brother’s Danielle Reyes, she targeted Danielle by choosing her to compete for only 2 minutes and 30 seconds, knowing that Danielle probably wouldn’t be able to do it.


In an interview with EW, Danielle admitted that Britney’s betrayal made her blindside elimination from Big Brother Reindeer Games season 1 even more heartbreaking. Danielle said, “I think that’s probably why I didn’t do so well in the comp because I couldn’t get my head around that this friend of mine put me in this game knowing that I was not going to come back.” She confessed, “I’ve always loved Britney in her original seasons and it broke my heart.” Danielle said that it was “devastating” for her because they were friends outside of the game. Although she understands that Britney did it “for game purposes,” she was “hurt” and “taken aback by it.”

Danielle Reyes Reveals Why She Doesn’t Blame Xavier

Danielle also said that she “didn’t blame Xavier” for what happened. She stated, “I know he had good intentions.” Danielle revealed that Britney knew Xavier was protecting her, so he didn’t think that Britney would put Danielle in the competition. Danielle believes that Xavier thought Britney would want to work with both of them. She said, “I don’t blame Xavier because…he just basically gave her justification for what she really wanted to do. I think she used that as an excuse to solidify what she wanted to do because, in her mind, I think she wanted to get rid of me from the jump, quite frankly.”


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Britney’s betrayal of Danielle was shocking because the 51-year-old competitor told her that she knew she wouldn’t be able to complete the challenge in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Taylor Hale had even volunteered to go into the competition at that point, thinking that she’d have a better chance than Danielle, and also would have more time in that round if Danielle did come back, and another minute was removed from the time. However, Britney impulsively sent Danielle into the competition and has now lost a strong ally in the process.

Big Brother Reindeer Games has been very exciting. It’s thrilling to watch these Big Brother legends battle it out in competitions and use their social game strategies to navigate the complicated relationships in the game. Seeing strong competitors such as Cameron Hardin, Cody Calafiore, and Danielle leave the competition early was surprising, but when every competitor is a legend, it’s to be expected. Hopefully, Danielle and Britney will be able to get past this and continue their friendship outside of the house. It’ll be interesting to see how the Big Brother Reindeer Games alliances change now that Danielle has been eliminated.

Big Brother Reindeer Games airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.
