General Hospital: Charlotte Is Being MIND CONTROLLED


When Charlotte was identified as the intruder into Anna’s suite on General Hospital, it came as quite a shock. Although it hasn’t been specifically demonstrated that she did search the apartment as of yet. But that is unquestionably the implication. Even though we both agree that the revelation was unexpected, it also seemed to come out of nowhere. So, is there anything that is blind to what we see? Recently on GH, there was a suggestion that made us wonder if Charlotte actually has any control over the situation. If she is guilty at all, that is! Let’s investigate!

Charlotte’s Sudden Change Of Behavior!

Charlotte has previously been depicted on General Hospital as the adorable young daughter who adores her father. However, the ABC soap opera recently made an effort to introduce us to new aspects of her. She made our jaws drop during her date with Jake after putting a wonderful smile on our face. Charlotte appeared unexpectedly on the CCTV tape outside Anna’s room, much like Valentin did. We had never encountered a Charlotte who would develop criminal tendencies as an adult.

What is even more worrisome on General Hospital is that the incidents pertaining to terrorizing Anna are not limited to the threat scribbled on the mirror. There is also the case of her house fire! It is a little hard and a lot more scary to comprehend that Charlotte could have done that. But it seems like the makers are insistent on making us believe it. But why? The soap lover inside us refuses to believe that it could be as simple as a teen acting out because she doesn’t want to share her papa with his girlfriend!


Flashback To An Eerie Incident On General Hospital

Whatever the truth behind Charlotte doing this is, runs much deeper than meet our eye right now on General Hospital. In one of the recent episodes of the ABC soap, Charlotte flashed back to a time when she received the tarot cards and a letter. The same tarot cards that she had laid out on her bed previously, with a sinister smile on her face. There has to be a connection here! This can’t be a random scene for no rhyme or reason. But who could have sent her the cards, and why is she still holding on to them?

This “gift” might have been given to Charlotte while she was still a boarder on General Hospital. Victor Cassadine was the only one who had the most access to her. What if he delivered the tarot cards to Charlotte? Additionally, it might have been a strategy for keeping her under his control and using mind control. And after the “betrayal” his own son committed against him. Victor’s technique of using Valentin’s daughter against him as payback is incredibly vindictive! This potential not only makes the song incredibly interesting, but it also pave the way for Victor’s triumphant comeback!
