General Hospital Spoilers: Cam Webber Returns, Should Spencer Cassadine Be Worried?


Cameron Webber (William Lipton) will return to Port Charles in a big way, according to General Hospital spoilers.

He departed a few months ago to attend Stanford University, but it appears that he may soon return.

He dated Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy), but he had a semi-romantic relationship with Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) while they were still in high school.

Will a romance develop now that both parties have probably matured during their time apart?

Spencer Cassadine & Trina Robinson Have Too Many Enemies

GH spoilers imply that Dex Holler (Evan Hofer) may find himself a tad concerned when Cameron returns; however, Joss is pretty smitten with the henchman.

With so many people against the Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) and Trina pairing, could the show decide to pair the old friends together? Or even add Cam to the number of factors that could doom the Sprina romance?

After all, Trina’s mom Portia Rob inson (Brook Kerr) is working overtime to keep the two away from each other, and Esme Prince (Avery Pohl) is lurking in the shadows with Ace Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay), trying to keep Spence at home with the baby, versus out with his girlfriend. Prince is clearly re-catching feelings for her ex, whether she has regained her memory or not.


There just seem to be too many strikes against Sprina right now.

Friends Turn Into Lovers Every Day In Port Charles

When Trina is abandoned by Spencer, Cameron might always be nearby because Cassadine is constantly at Esme’s beck and call.

The two would initially “catch up” as old friends, then as time went on, their relationship would grow to something more. How would Josslyn feel, though?

She’s now preoccupied with Dex, so she probably won’t first notice the rekindled chemistry Cam and Trina share. She probably won’t give a damn either way.

After all, it was Ms. Jacks who dumped Cam by flinging herself into Dex’s arms and fell in love with him while she was still seeing Webber.
