General Hospital Spoilers: Victor And Nikolas’ Shocking Family Reunion


According to General Hospital spoilers, Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) may not be as dead as everyone thinks. A Cassadine faking their death has undoubtedly happened before.

Victor has already done it a few times before. Viewers may recall that Victor was once shot by Leisl O’Brecht and was believed to be dead for a while.

And if that is the case, then it won’t be long until he reappears with another scheme to rule the globe.

Nikolas Cassadine Is Alive And Well!

Not all of the Cassadine family members have played dead, including Victor. Adam Huss’ character Nikolas Cassadine is also skilled at making the public believe he is dead when he is actually very much alive.

Although Dr. Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth) helped Nikolas fight his way back to health, Ava Jerome (Maura West) still believes she killed Nikolas.

According to what Nikolas told Austin, he is currently in Europe and organizing some sort of family gathering.

Nikolas Cassadine Has No Intention Of Seeing Laura Collins!

Even though Laura Collins (Genie Francis) is currently searching for Nikolas in Europe as well, Nikolas told Austin he has no plans of reuniting with his mother.

READ THIS: Find out what happens next on General Hospital.


He just wants her to find proof he is still alive so she will stop looking for him. But if that isn’t the reunion that Nikolas is referring to, who is Nikolas planning on reuniting with? Even though he is apparently dead, Victor seems to be the most likely option,

Are Nikolas Cassadine And Victor Cassadine Teaming Up?

Perhaps Victor and Nikolas have spoken and are arranging a meeting. Nikolas might end up being Victor’s ally in whatever scheme he comes up with next.

Victor delivered a cryptic package to Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) before he allegedly passed away that contained a letter and tarot cards. Victor might be preparing something from beyond the grave or he might not actually be dead as everyone seems to think.

Maybe Nikolas will be his ally this time! Nikolas didn’t support Victor in his previous conspiracy; perhaps if they collaborated now, they’d be more powerful.

What Do You Think?

Is Victor really alive? Is Victor the person Nikolas plans to meet in Europe? What is the purpose of the gift Victor sent Charlotte before he “died”?
