Julie Chen Moonves Predicts This “Terrified” Big Brother 25 Houseguest Will Be “Manipulated”


Big Brother season 25 host Julie Chen Moonves just predicted that week 10 Head of Household (HOH) Bowie Jane will be “manipulated” by her fellow houseguests because she’s “terrified.” After Mecole Hayes was unanimously evicted when the houseguests had a last-minute vote-flip to save Felicia Cannon, Bowie Jane won HOH. The competition had begun earlier when the houseguests had to memorize Humili-grams from the Humili-verse that appeared on the Memory Wall. The game came down to a tie-breaker between Bowie and Felicia, with Bowie becoming the new HOH in her first competition win of Big Brother season 25.

In an interview with EW, Julie shared her thoughts about under-the-radar player Bowie winning HOH. When asked if Bowie would assert herself as HOH or get manipulated by the other houseguests into making their moves, Julie answered, “I see her being manipulated.” As Julie explained, “She looked terrified of her HOH duties when we got off the air. She hasn’t targeted or lobbied for/against anyone this season. She might be the only houseguest to become HOH and not get drunk with power. We shall see.”

Julie Chen Moonves Thinks Felicia & Mecole Made The Right Moves

Julie also thought that nominees Felicia and Mecole made the right moves. She said that Felicia’s Power of Veto ceremony speech, in which she exposed Cory Wurtenberger “was a big, bold move and I liked it. She spoke the truth and was fighting for her BB life. She had nothing to lose.” Julie also thought that Mecole’s decision not to campaign much was the correct move. She explained, “It wouldn’t make sense for her to wheel and deal. She’s not a schemer.” Julie said that Mecole stayed true to Felicia “and didn’t try to jump into new relationships with people she doesn’t particularly like or trust.” Instead, Julie blamed Mecole’s undoing on Cory’s “scheming.”



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Julie is correct that both Felicia and Mecole stayed true to themselves during the past week. It would’ve been out of character for Felicia to sit back and accept her fate. It also would’ve been fake for Mecole to try to make new alliances at the last minute after playing such a quiet game. They both did the best they could in their own style. The fallout from the week will probably affect Cory the most, since many of his fellow houseguests don’t trust him anymore, and he was nearly backdoored. He has a lot of damage control to do, but he’s a smart player who can talk himself out of a jam.

Hopefully, Julie’s predictions about Bowie Jane’s HOH won’t come true. It’s refreshing to see someone completely different in power, after weeks of the power shifting from Cameron Hardin to Jared Fields and back again. Having someone new take control of the house will refresh the game and possibly lead to new alliances. Felicia’s entire game was blown up when she was nearly evicted, so she’ll be looking for allies. Perhaps she and Bowie can repair the damage that was done when Felicia and the rest of their alliance left Bowie out of the Red Utley eviction vote flip. Whatever happens, it’ll be an exciting week in the Big Brother 25 house.

Big Brother season 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.
