Lala Kent Questions How ‘Reality TV Atmosphere’ Has ‘Gotten A Little Dark’


It’s not a secret that some of our favorite Bravo shows have been lacking the light-hearted feel of earlier seasons. Real Housewives of New Jersey is so dark that Bravo nixed the Season 14 reunion. And now Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent is wondering why reality TV has taken such a twisted turn. I mean, look in the mirror honey.

The Season 11 Pump Rules reunion featured an abundance of tension and awkwardness. The cast watched the final few minutes of the finale together – for the first time. And seeing the cast’s reactions, shown in split screen as everyone came for Ariana Madix, was shocking. Poor Ariana had no idea what everyone was saying about her behind her back.

Lala Kent Questions Reality TV Atmosphere

Lala Kent Questions How ‘Reality TV Atmosphere’ Has ‘Gotten a Little Dark’#PumpRules #VPR — Reality Tea (@RealityTea) July 12, 2024
During a recent episode of her Give Them Lala podcast, Lala read from an interview OK! did with RHONJ star Jackie Goldschneider. In that interview, Jackie spoke about the animosity between the cast members. She said that the cast was “just really every day destroying the show … by tearing each other apart in the press.” Jackie’s words struck a chord with Lala. Lala remarked:

“It just brought me to this strange place because I’m like, ‘Wow, I thought that, you know, whenever you can relate to something, I find that’s when we find common ground, right?’”
“But I’m like, is it something in the reality TV atmosphere where things have gotten a little dark? Because I did not enjoy filming last season and I thought that maybe it was just VPR was in a weird place and a lot had happened and we were in uncharted waters,” the mom-to-be added. Friends, this is what you call backpedaling.

Lala Reflects on Personal Changes

Of course, Pump Rules fans know that the show is on hiatus at the moment. So, that has caused Lala to ponder her future, and the fate of the show. “Maybe I was changing as a person going into doing motherhood a second time and adding another kid to the mix. I’m like, maybe I’ve just changed and this is normal,” Lala explained. “To hear that another show on Bravo is also kind of struggling to find the reality but keep it lighthearted, misery loves company, right?”


She continued, “That’s why it was important when I did address Season 11 that I let everyone know that even though I may not see eye to eye with the people that I used to that are on the show, I do respect them to some degree. So, is it like the universe that’s like reality TV is just we’re hitting a dark spot right now?” Lala stated, “Because it does. Even watching Jersey feels heavy.”

Lala Discusses Season 11 Outbursts

Well, Lala won’t be chatting about her reality TV theories with Katie Maloney anymore. Katie is finished with Lala after the expectant mom came for her at the reunion, revealing private conversations that they had off-camera. This tension reflects the broader shift in reality TV dynamics, moving away from light-hearted entertainment to more contentious and dramatic interactions.

The growing tension in reality TV shows raises questions about their future direction. Are these shows becoming too dark for audiences who initially tuned in for light-hearted escapism? Lala’s reflections offer a glimpse into the evolving landscape of reality television and its impact on those involved.

Future of Bravo Shows in Question

As reality TV continues to evolve, stars like Lala are left to navigate these changes both personally and professionally. The hiatus of Pump Rules might provide the cast with much-needed break to reflect and possibly reset the tone of the show. Fans can only hope that the shows they love find a balance between drama and entertainment.

Lala Kent’s candid reflections on the state of reality TV highlight a significant shift in the genre. As viewers and participants alike grapple with these changes, the future of shows like Pump Rules and RHONJ hangs in the balance. Will they return to their roots of light-hearted entertainment, or is this darker turn the new norm for reality TV? Only time will tell. In the meantime, fans can tune into Lala’s Give Them Lala podcast for more insights and behind-the-scenes stories from the reality TV world.
