Leah “This Is Just Dangerous Information To Spread Especially Since Its Not True.”


4:10pm Backyard – Leah and Chelsie
Leah – Boy do I have a lot to tell you whether its now or later. Chelsie – just tell me now. Leah – Angela comes up to me and tells me that she like told Chelsie that last night she saw and heard some things .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Chelsie – and I said for whom and she said for me but also for you. And I said care to elaborate? And she said no I don’t want to lose trust. And I said so why are you coming to me? And I was like lose trust, are you referring to Leah? And she was like yeah. She heard that you gathered.. She eavesdropped three times and heard that you gathered troops basically.. and the trio that we are all aware of.. you and Quinn and you guys started an alliance to flip the house. Leah – I am trying so hard to keep my thoughts in because like because I didn’t even bring up the fact that she is throwing my name under the bus. Chelsie – she said that she heard it solidified and she said like y’all are basically coming for me, Cam and Makensy. Trying to group with the house in different things. I said so what are you going to do? She was like I am hoping I can talk to Leah and she wants to create an alliance with me, you, Makensy and Cam. Which I am like if Leah tried to throw you under the bus, why would you want her in the alliance? I questioned that because they contradicted each other So of the bat I didn’t initially believe her because I know Angela and the paranoia with making things up. So I told her what do you want me to do? What is your end goal? She was like well I am hoping I could change Leah’s mind about the alliance she just created. Chelsie – I told her I would suggest you talk to Leah about what you think you heard because you could cause unnecessary drama. Leah – this is just dangerous information to spread especially since its not true. Chelsie – and especially since she wants to do an alliance with you, it just doesn’t make sense. Leah – that’s exactly what I thought. Big Brother switches the feeds.

4:30pm Kitchen – Leah and Chelsie
Chelsie – anyways that’s what happened. How crazy is it? It’s just I wanted her to talk to you before because I didn’t. I was like, don’t go around and spread that. If it’s not true and then confirm that, like, it’s just legit. Leah – I just don’t think that that is a strategy. And like, if it is, it’s just not the one that I feel comfortable like being a part of. And like you know, well, I used my brain and, you know, and I know that, but still, it’s just not cool. And I knew, but I knew like that, like, just spreading that alone would make you be like, and why would that make me trust you? Like, you know, if you’ll throw under the bus, someone who literally you know saved you, like, who wouldn’t you? Like, that’s kind of bonkers. But whatever?!
Chelsie – So yeah. Anyways, I think me, You, Quinn, Makensy need to have a conversation about just voting because we are the majority vote where you guys are the majority vote and I want to make sure that if Makensy uses it that I’m doing what you guys would prefer or might have that little separate conversations because that room
might not be a safe room for everybody.


4:54pm – 6pm Backyard – The house guest are playing the word guessing game. The game shifts to the I’m going on a picnic game..

6pm Kitchen lounger – Tkor and Cam.
Cam – I want Leah to go just as bad as y’all. Tkor – really? Cam – yes, me and her haven’t been close since week 3 and she is starting to.. I don’t think she would put me up soon but I think she would eventually. I can see her starting to shift that way to protect Quinn. I am glad I clarified with you guys. Tkor – I appreciate you.

6:37pm – 6:48pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Makensy
Makensy – which one are you leaning towards? Are you still thinking Kimo? Quinn – I was thinking Kimo because they’re just like straight up on the other side. And Angela is just floating over here. But if we feed the machine Angela and then one of us wins, then it’s like it didn’t matter anyway. Makensy – Exactly. Quinn – And so, yeah, it’s just like, if we win HOH and we sent Angela home, then it’s like we can keep moving forward. But my fear is like, if one of these wins, they’re going to try to figure out which one of us they can pull over to their side. And so that’s kind of the only, that’s it is hard to, like, but I see, I see both sides, and I don’t. I don’t want either. Makensy – can we just send both of them home? Quinn – My thing is also like, Angela isn’t playing the game anymore. Makensy – She’s not. Quinn – like, she’s just here. She’s just here because of us. Makensy – yeah. I don’t want all three of them here but I also don’t want Angela here. Isn’t it crazy how now we are vouching for her. Quinn – its so annoying. Quinn talks about how annoyed he was when Leah used the veto on Angela last week. Makensy – I don’t plan on using it right now unless I am given this new found unknows information and I’m like what? Bug I think we’re running the house right now… Big Brother blocks the feeds.

6:58pm Unicorn Bedroom – Makensy talking to the cameras
Makensy – He could be going home this week. Still debating on if I’m going to make that move. I really need to talk to Chelsie about it. I feel bad if I did but I also know that would be a very big move for me. That could be wise in the end. I don’t know what to do guys.. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know what to do I am really really freaking out. So confused. I am so confused. So confused.. if I ended anybody’s journey in here. Gosh I am stressed!
