New Big Brother HOH Gets A letter from A Former Player


On Big Brother 25, there is a new Head of Household.

Following a Double Eviction in which two individuals were sent to the jury house, the power was once again up for grabs.

This season, Matt Klotz took the lead as HOH for the first time.

Matt receives a room to himself and a basket of sweets for being the HOH.

There was a letter from a previous home guest in the basket. It wasn’t just any house visitor, either.

Matt is now more motivated than ever to win Big Brother 25.

Matt gets a letter from Reilly Smedley

Reilly Smedley may have friend-zoned Matt while in the Big Brother house, but she is saying all the right words now.

Matt told Reilly that he had feelings for her, but she only thanked him for the sentiment.

“I want you to know how much I believe in you and that myself, your family & friends are SO proud to see you in there,” Reilly told Matt about him getting the HOH Room.

“I also want you to know how much I miss you and wish I could be telling you all of this in person,” she added later in the letter.

But what many Big Brother fans are talking about is what Reilly says later when talking about the Q-Tip shrine Matt made into a heart.

“The feeling is mutual and I can’t wait to see you,” Reilly wrote.


Below is a video from the Big Brother live feeds where Matt reads his letter in front of the other houseguests.

The other final five houseguests seemed very excited for him.

In addition to the letter, Matt got a picture of Reilly and his mom.

Another Big Brother showmance?

Fans can expect a segment on finale night where host Julie Chen Moonves asks Reilly about a possible relationship with Matt.

Will this lead to another showmance developing from the BB25 cast?

Cirie Fields and Bowie Jane chatted about the letter the following morning, with Bowie Jane saying she could see them getting married.

It led to an amusing moment on the feeds, where Bowie Jane asked Cirie if she thought the showmance between Blue Kim and Jared Fields would work out.
