Tucker “I’m Just Talking About In This F**King Game. I Didn’t Mention Your Family. I Didn’t Mention Your Kids!”


10:30pm Unicorn Bedroom – Tucker and Brooklyn
Tucker – hugs first. I know everyone’s doing what they gotta do to survive. Brooklyn – So, right, my thing today was, though, I think it a little bit went outside the game with character calling me out without even thinking about asking if the information you received was true or not. Tucker – I believe in myself and my abilities, and I’m positive that things are true. I’ve heard it from people. I’ve read a lot of body language. I’ve been in the scenarios too. Brooklyn – So what am I the mastermind of or the head of ..me and Chelsea? Tucker – I was gonna be voted out. Brooklyn – Not in the slightest. Did I take over? I wasn’t even supposed to be in the collective. I didn’t find that out till today. Tucker – You guys are very good at the game. Brooklyn – I appreciate that you think that. Tucker – And you were the one consoling me saying you’re gonna be Okay, Don’t worry. Brooklyn – You were absolutely gonna be Okay. My target before today was Angela. Tucker – I know you don’t like Angela’s. You threw her clothes on the floor too. Brooklyn – Oh my God. The clothes. Tucker – Yeah. Brooklyn – that’s another thing that’s getting blamed on me right now. The same guy that you put a veto around is the one that was able to tell you everything purposefully. Right? Tucker – I wasn’t supposed to call my own observations. You never walked in that room. You never said anything. He instantly denied it. And when I asked you if you did it, you said no and smiled. Brooklyn – Yeah, because why would I do clothes? I think it’s hilarious that you think it’s me. Tucker – It’s fine. I can think what I want to think. There’s been a lot of observations that have let up to this. I haven’t trusted you since the second week in here. I’ve said it to a number of people. And if you were in a final thing with Rubina, why would you vote against her? Brooklyn – Because I was told by the entire house. That’s what we were doing. Tucker – Exactly. Brooklyn – You’ll see it. Tucker – That’s fine. I will. Brooklyn – Why wouldn’t I just continue to lie like you think I am? Why wouldn’t I have thrown someone else under the bus and then.. Tucker – like you threw Kimo in Tkor under the bus?

Brooklyn – it’s not my place to blow up other people’s games. I’m playing my own game games with other people. If I’m here, I’m here but I was also like your 7th choice. Tucker – You had already had everything blown up. Brooklyn – So I’m supposed to trust you as well. Tucker – I trusted you because everybody because I’m out there risking my life for people and I’m getting nothing in return. I think that your game is fake and I’m seeing right through it. Brooklyn – Okay well you can continue to think that but you’re wrong and that’s fine. I’ve been honest with you since. Tucker – and if I’m wrong I apologize that’s why it’s just a game but you know I’ve been in positions to observe a lot of different things and like you’ve said in front of everybody you have a terrible poker face I do I know and I that’s allowed me to think and see a lot of different things of you. Brooklyn – Okay. Tucker – You don’t put your face on to give me a hug after winning something until you’re second in line. Brooklyn – I don’t when you won veto and the Ainsley Arena I’m supposed to be happy that I lost a veto when I’m on the block? Tucker – not this one the last one and the ones before everyone I’ve won cuz I’m playing in them. Brooklyn – because I want to freaking win something I’m a competitor at heart. Tucker – I know but at the same time there’s Cam and other people, Cedric can be happy that I’ve done it is a difference. There’s a difference. Brooklyn – then maybe they’re better at faking it than I am. I don’t like to lose. I haven’t won a thing in this house and I have been targeted for an all Girl Alliance that never existed that I never wanted and still don’t want it. There wasn’t an old girl alliance. Tucker – I’m again just observing from ..I’m telling you I’ve been alone. Brooklyn – Why would I continue to lie? Tucker – Because you’re trapped in a corner and you have nothing to do. That’s what you’re supposed to do. You’re supposed to claw yourself out and do anything you can. They wouldn’t have anyone be in this game, they ask people questions about what would you do if you were backed into a corner? Would you fight your way out and do anything to do it and everyone in here I guarantee.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
Tucker – We’re just gonna go back and forth over stuff I’ve already said that there’s no need for this conversation. Brooklyn – No Tucker I’m just telling you that you think that you have every single fact straight and it’s okay for you to tell a whole house something but it’s not okay for me to then go talk and try to clear the air. Tucker – It is fine. You’re like, well, I see what you’re doing. Brooklyn – What am I supposed to lay here and cry? No, I’m not saying anything.

Tucker – It’s only gonna make me believe more of what I have said. Brooklyn – I have incredible self control. I’ve had it this entire game. That’s something that I pride myself on but I will not be called out for talking to people today. Tucker – I’m not calling you out for talking. I just said that your now trying to be all cool with her and that’s what she said to me about you now trying to when she
was in that scenario you guys had nothing to say to her and you
cold shouldered her and now that you’re there, you guys are
talking to her. That’s what she said. You guys are talking to her.
Brooklyn – Yeah, I’m campaigning. Tucker – I plant seeds out there to see if it’s gonna grow or see if someone’s gonna mow it over and build something else. Brooklyn – okay. Tucker – I’m reading people’s reactions to things that I’m saying that are just observations. And it says a lot on how people react.


Brooklyn – I swear on that Tucker I would never when someone is mentally hurting use that against them. Tucker – I’m not, no one’s mentally hurting. This is part of the game. Brooklyn – but anytime that I was there for you it was not for anything other than just being there and being a friend. Tucker – I couldn’t sleep for 7 days that sucked but I’m here to compete and I’m a competitor and I wanna
do this. I’m just pointing out those facts I know it’s just I think it’s odd that it’s well we’re playing two different games so it’s gonna be odd. I love you. Brooklyn – I hope everyone is just easy. Tucker – It can easily get over this and sleep tonight and when AI comes Thursday do your best to win that.

11pm Havenot room – Tucker and Rubina
Tucker replays the conversation he just had with Brooklyn
Tucker – I knew it wasn’t going to go well. If this is where the conversation is gone, then I’m done. Like, just kind of over before it started. So right away when we sat down, I was just like, I gave her the hug. It was a good hug. Whatever I was like, f**king two sentences in. just like, oh, this is gonna f**king suck. This is gonna suck. Rubina – Even if she f**king wins HOH, she’s done the next week. Tucker – Like, no there’s no chance she’s gonna. You make fun of people and you throw them down and you say mean shit about Joseph. You made fun of him for the f**king way he walks. Rubina – Oh my God. Tucker – and I don’t know how she was trying to say like she was trying to involve outside things. Rubina – Yeah. Tucker – she was saying that and I’m like what outside sh*t did I involve saying like she said involvement involving personal outside stuff like… I’m just talking about in this f**king game. There’s nothing that you even said. I didn’t mention your family. I didn’t mention your kids. I didn’t bring anything from outside.
Tucker talks about if he gets taken out and goes to jury. Tucker – and if I get in there.. I’m forfeiting all the f**king stuff I’ve got and I’m going home and getting my dog. I’ve said it a million times. Like Seriously and I don’t care. I’m already gonna be a legendary player of this f**king game. Rubina – It’s already true. Tucker – I’m going to be a legendary player already.. And being invited to fly back to do stuff I will all pay for everything but like just let me go home.

11:45pm HOH room – Tucker, Rubina and Cam.
Tucker – It was loud and loud. She lost her sh*t. Cam – Really. Tucker – I just live in defending yourself being and like She was like what? I’m supposed to just sit in here and cry? I’m not supposed to talk to anybody. I’m like, damn, I’m like, No, I’m just pointing out an observation which I’ve been doing on people’s reactions. I’ve been saying a lot, you know?!
Tucker – She was like I disagree with everything you said. I’ve done this, this and that. you kind of saw it this way, but, you know, to each their own, you see when you get out. But nope, bro, to the point where I was like yo, I’m not having an argument. I’m not going to argue right now. She’s like, we’re not having an argument. This is just a conversation where you’re saying something, and I’m listening, and then I’m saying something and you’re listening. And I’m like, you’re fuckin tone is saying everything right now. Stop. Cam – Yeah. I don’t understand the point of going back and forth on shit that you already know. Tucker – She’s saying that none of it is true. Cam – All of that is true, I don’t know about the final two stuff, but like the collectors and the final 2 stuff with her and Quinn is absolutely true. And the final 2 stuff with her and Chelsea is true. Chelsea told me, but they don’t have an alliance. She literally was like, it’s an unspoken final too. Tucker – Yeah, they’re just really close. Cam – But, yeah, everything that you said there was true. Tucker – Everyone that was part of the collective knows it’s true. Cam – Yeah.

Tucker – I don’t think she’s a bad person outside of here. She’s got her back to the wall and, like, so did Angela. Angela acted f**king crazy. Everyone knew it. Cam – But again, Angela is now talking to people again being fine.

12:10am Bathroom – Quinn and Joseph are talking about The Challenge. Meanwhile in the HOH room Cam and Rubina are chatting about how they both haven’t had many conversations with each other. Leah, Tucker and Angela join them. They talk about how long the veto was. Leah – it was like Fyre Festival.. I’m just impatient.

12:25pm Backyard – Kimo and Tkor
Kimo – who would we want in jury? I mean not us. Tkor – Obvi. Obviously, one of the three will go and then after that, Makensy. Kimo – I hope so.. because I don’t trust her. Tkor – I am trying to think if she is here what are the ways that I could work with her? But like the minute someone throws my name out, I’m never going to trust them again. Kimo – and that is why as much as I would want to keep Brooklyn, I cannot trust her. Tkor – she will flip. Kimo – correct. I can’t trust it because as soon as you’ve thrown our names out there, that’s different because you’re targeting us. I think she has to go just for the fact.. Tkor – okay, lets say she wins. Kimo – correct. Tkor – that’s why you should talk to her. Kimo – I mean if she wins.. that’s true. Yeah I plan on talking to her but I wasn’t in a rush..
