GH Spoilers: An Experienced Enemy Targets Anna- Peter August Uses Charlotte To Destroy Anna


Who would have imagined that Finn and Elizabeth would travel thus far. Over the past five years, the doctor and the head nurse have experienced a lot together. And what began as a friendship between in-laws has developed into a romance.

The bond between Dr. Finn (Michael Easton) and Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) was previously strengthened by a horrific event. Nothing, after all, says “ride or die” like helping one another cover up a murder! Am I correct?

General Hospital recaps recall that one fateful day when Finn got mixed up with the likes of Peter August (Wes Ramsey). It’s not like he had a choice. Instead, Finn was forced to play Peter’s twisted little game. Because if he didn’t, it could have cost Harrison Chase’s (Josh Swickard) life. Thankfully, alls well that ends well, and Chase made a miraculous recovery while Peter August met his demise. Or so Finn and Liz thought.

Peter August Returns, Uses Charlotte To Destroy Anna

According to GH spoilers, Anna’s situation causes friction between herself and Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart). Her safety is compromised after a series of events, including her house being burned to the ground. Moreover, GH rumors tease that Finn and Liz are stunned when Peter August’s whereabouts surface. What really happened after Elizabeth and Dr. Finn last saw him?

Meanwhile, Anna’s mystery terrorizer is on the loose and that raises concern. What ever happened to Peter when he was no longer in that freezer? How in the H E 🏒🏒 did he escape? Odds are, Peter didn’t climb out of the alone. Liz and Finn were positive that he was dead. But from the looks of things that’s probably not the case.


GH spoilers reveal that Anna’s on the right track. There’s no doubt that something going on with Charlotte Cassadine, but it’s hard to tell. She seems extra attached to Valentin lately. Furthermore, she’s behaving strangely with those tarot cards. Ultimately, Anna comes to terms with accepting that this is both personal and professional. There’s no doubt that what’s happening to Anna is on a personal level while carried out like a professional.

While it may appear that Charlotte is behind this, it’s possible that someone is trying to make everyone think that. Peter August is the one who fits that story the best. What better method to get Valentin and Anna back? Using his daughter is the cherry on top. With his personal grudge towards Anna and his prior experience working with career criminals like Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober), Peter most certainly meets the criteria. Oh, and the fact that his seemingly dead body suddenly vanished.
