Jag Explains His ‘Big Brother 25’ Comment About Women Cooking For Him


The Big Brother 25 cast took their turns being Have-Nots and eating slop. But they also ate well at big family dinners thanks to Felicia Cannon, Cirie Fields, and Blue Kim.

During a conversation, Cameron, Matt, and Jag expressed their desire to keep the women around only for cooking and eating without their help. It was unclear whether the arrangement was mutually beneficial or just another way of advantaging the men in the house. Jag confronted the men about their comments, which were made behind the women’s backs.

Jag addressed how he talked about the women cooking for him with Matt and Cameron. “That is something I’ll own up to,” he told Black Bi Reality podcast. “It was all a joke. That was never the actual strategy, but even jokes like that are…are not appropriate to be making. So I fully own up to that.”

He said one of the times Felicia was on the block she made a joke with him about keeping her for her cooking. “We laughed about it together, and so I think that’s when I started also making the joke too, because she had opened, you know she opened up her pitch by saying that. Regardless, there is no excuse for making jokes like that.”


Jag, Matt, and Bowie Jane accused other houseguests of bullying them, and that the “good people” made it to the end of the season on the live feeds. “Everyone is a good person,” Jag said in the post-season interview. “Everyone is a great person in the house. Let me just start off by saying that and nobody is a bully. I’m someone who separates game and personal very strictly. For me, all of that is purely game.”

Jag said he felt excluded in a game sense. He was at the bottom of the 7 Deadly Sins alliance which led to his eviction. Matt saved him and they formed The Minutemen Alliance. Jag had multiple competition wins, which kept him from being vulnerable in the game. He then took ownership of all the decisions the Minutemen made and won.
